Is a Calorie just a Calorie? - POSTED ON: Jul 18, 2012
I recently read this interesting article in the New York Times. Gina Kolata is an American science journalist, and her book, "ReThinking Thin" (2007) was quite informative. I'm familiar with Dr. Leibel's research about Leptin and how the "reduced obese" burn less calories when doing the same exercise as someone who has always been normal weight. In Dieting, Magic Isn’t a Substitute for Science By GINA KOLATA Is a calorie really just a calorie? Do calories from a soda have the same effect on your waistline as an equivalent number from an apple or a piece of chicken? For decades the question has percolated among researchers — not to mention dieters. It gained new momentum with a study published last month in The Journal of the American Medical Association suggesting that after losing weight, people on a high-fat, high-protein diet burned more calories than those eating more carbohydrates.
We asked Dr. Jules Hirsch, emeritus professor and emeritus physician in chief at Rockefeller University, who has been researching obesity for nearly 60 years, about the state of the research. Dr. Hirsch, who receives no money from pharmaceutical companies or the diet industry, wrote some of the classic papers describing why it is so hard to lose weight and why it usually comes back. The JAMA study has gotten a lot of attention. Should people stay on diets that are high in fat and protein if they want to keep the weight off? What they did in that study is they took 21 people and fed them a diet that made them lose about 10 to 20 percent of their weight. Then, after their weight had leveled off, they put the subjects on one of three different maintenance diets. One is very, very low in carbohydrates and high in fat, essentially the Atkins diet. Another is the opposite — high in carbohydrates, low in fat. The third is in between. Then they measured total energy expenditure — in calories burned — and resting energy expenditure.
They report that people on the Atkins diet were burning off more calories. Ergo, the diet is a good thing. Such low-carbohydrate diets usually give a more rapid initial weight loss than diets with the same amount of calories but with more carbohydrates. But when carbohydrate levels are low in a diet and fat content is high, people lose water. That can confuse attempts to measure energy output. The usual measurement is calories per unit of lean body mass — the part of the body that is not made up of fat. When water is lost, lean body mass goes down, and so calories per unit of lean body mass go up. It’s just arithmetic. There is no hocus-pocus, no advantage to the dieters. Only water, no fat, has been lost.
The paper did not provide information to know how the calculations were done, but this is a likely explanation for the result. So the whole thing might have been an illusion? All that happened was the people temporarily lost water on the high-protein diets? Perhaps the most important illusion is the belief that a calorie is not a calorie but depends on how much carbohydrates a person eats. There is an inflexible law of physics — energy taken in must exactly equal the number of calories leaving the system when fat storage is unchanged. Calories leave the system when food is used to fuel the body. To lower fat content — reduce obesity — one must reduce calories taken in, or increase the output by increasing activity, or both. This is true whether calories come from pumpkins or peanuts or pâté de foie gras.
To believe otherwise is to believe we can find a really good perpetual motion machine to solve our energy problems. It won’t work, and neither will changing the source of calories permit us to disobey the laws of science. Did you ever ask whether people respond differently to diets of different compositions? Dr. Rudolph Leibel, now an obesity researcher at Columbia University, and I took people who were of normal weight and had them live in the hospital, where we diddled with the number of calories we fed them so we could keep their weights absolutely constant, which is no easy thing. This was done with liquid diets of exactly known calorie content.
We kept the number of calories constant, always giving them the amount that should keep them at precisely the same weight. But we wildly changed the proportions of fats and carbohydrates. Some had practically no carbohydrates, and some had practically no fat.
What happened? Did people unexpectedly gain or lose weight when they had the same amount of calories but in a diet of a different composition?
No. There was zero difference between high-fat and low-fat diets.
Why is it so hard for people to lose weight?
What your body does is to sense the amount of energy it has available for emergencies and for daily use. The stored energy is the total amount of adipose tissue in your body. We now know that there are jillions of hormones that are always measuring the amount of fat you have. Your body guides you to eat more or less because of this sensing mechanism.
But if we have such a sensing mechanism, why are people fatter now than they used to be?
This wonderful sensing mechanism involves genetics and environmental factors, and it gets set early in life. It is not clear how much of the setting is done before birth and how much is done by food or other influences early in life. There are many possibilities, but we just don’t know. So for many people, something happened early in life to set their sensing mechanism to demand more fat on their bodies?
What would you tell someone who wanted to lose weight?
I would have them eat a lower-calorie diet. They should eat whatever they normally eat, but eat less. You must carefully measure this. Eat as little as you can get away with, and try to exercise more. There is no magic diet, or even a moderately preferred diet?
No. Some diets are better or worse for medical reasons, but not for weight control. People come up with new diets all the time — like, why not eat pistachios at midnight when the moon is full? We have gone through so many of these diet possibilities. And yet people are always coming up to me with another one.
July 9, 2012 - New York Times
It has a Price. - POSTED ON: Jul 14, 2012
I recently read a helpful forum post about maintenance, which quotes a statement frequently used by me. This post is quoted below:
"Being fat is hard. Losing weight is hard. Keeping off weight is hard. Pick your hard."
If you want to keep off the weight you lost, you can never go back to exactly the way you were before. You have to keep living a changed life.
You have to figure out what you're willing to "pay" to keep off the weight. You're not going to pay in money but you're going to pay in time & in having to consider your choices. You will likely pay in some loss of spontaneity and thoughtlessness. Others will be able to eat unthinkingly and you probably never will.
That is, of course, if you like your life at a lower weight, and you are willing to make the tradeoff to stay there.
The Point of DietHobby? - POSTED ON: Jul 11, 2012
DietHobby exists because I've found being online helpful in my success with weight-loss and maintenance …. and this has become part of my Dieting Hobby. I enjoy visiting, and sometimes participating at, other websites and in various diet forums, and over the past seven years, I've developed some online relationships that I value highly. A problem I've discovered during my years of such participation on other websites happens when someone asks a question or makes a comment, or a discussion occurs about topics that are of ongoing importance to me. I'll spend a very long time researching and preparing an answer or a comment on such issues, but the nature of online websites and forums is for new data to replace old data, and so a few months later, when I'd like to refer to my previous answer or discussion, to help someone else with a similar issue, my answer is buried and difficult or impossible for me to find. Also, other websites are not under my control, and those websites can change their formats and/or delete or edit posts. After a few years of online participation, I began creating word files, and saving my own posts, along with helpful posts of others, but this was rather a cumbersome task, and saving posts in no particular order still made them difficult to find when I wanted to refer to them.
DietHobby was my solution to that problem. It contains place for me to put my thoughts on issues related to dieting and maintenance in an organized, searchable way which is helpful for me, and also for others. My past articles can be found in a list within the top ARCHIVES heading, or individually by previous months in the right-side-page-Blog Archives. My recipes and inspirational videos are categorized and readily available for review by me or by others. My personal history is a part of RESOURCES in the About ME section.
Some of my articles and videos are specific and some rather general, but most of them are timeless… and old entries are as relevant now as they were when I first made them. They are a reflection of me and my values. Who I am and what I think. I hope that this collection will be helpful to others, but I KNOW that it is helpful to me…. and that's really the point, isn't it?
Perserverance and Real Integrity - POSTED ON: Jul 10, 2012
I've decided to experiment with the No S Diet again. I feel like I need some clarity with my food right now, and a simple, but well-defined, eating plan. I've been very attracted to the plan for several years, but have been unsuccessful with it except for a few days at a time, because I've been unable to sustain a desire to overcome my habit of eating frequently. I'm going with my own individual No S three meal per day plan, meaning that I am including a daily calorie maximum, and will continue to track all of my food intake in my DietPower software program. Yesterday... Day 1.... was successful.
Instinctive Resentment - POSTED ON: Jul 09, 2012
Reading the forum posts of others is a helpful weight-loss and maintenance tool for me. Most of us share common problems in our quest to follow ANY diet or food plan, no matter which one we independently choose. One of my favorite weight-loss forums is the No S Diet Forum, and I've put a link to it here, under RESOURCES, Links.
One of the threads I read there today talked about feeling resentful because we can't eat whatever we want, whenever we want. This is a common problem for almost everyone … including me. The following quote from a forum member on that thread gives excellent advice.
"The resentment comes from a part of your brain that doesn't work on logic and reason, it's more instinctive than that. I have heard it described on this board as the "tummy toddler". Like a toddler, it wants what it wants, RIGHT NOW, and you can't really reason with it. But also like a toddler, it can't be allowed to do whatever it wants whenever it wants, because that's not good for you (and therefore for it, since it's part of you).
The resentment does go away, but it takes time for that to happen. The worst of it for me was in the first couple of months.
One thing that can help is to keep your expectations reasonable. Don't expect quick weight loss, or to adapt to new eating habits overnight with no resentment or screw-ups. Habits just do not work that way. If you expect them to work that way, you're going to get frustrated, and it's not going to help anything. That would be like dropping a glass and expecting it to hover in front of you, rather than falling down, and getting upset with yourself or with the glass when it doesn't do that. Or, to keep going with the toddler analogy, it's as if you had let your toddler eat only junk food, decided that you were going to try to get him or her to eat healthier food, and expecting the toddler not to complain about the change.
You're changing your eating habits. That's a hard thing to do. It just is. Don't beat yourself up over it if it doesn't come easy- it doesn't for the vast majority of people who have ever tried it."
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.