New DietHobby Features
- POSTED ON: May 14, 2012


This HOME page continues to feature my new blog articles, but it now also has a slide-show feature which directs attention to my four different video series:

  • Recipes
  • DietWisdom
  • Words of Wisdom
  • Grandma

The video section in the RESOURCES category also contains all of the videos of each video series.
So, there are now several convenient, but different, ways to view them.

Another new feature here at DietHobby is a thumbnail beside each video title, which adds color and interest to this site. This also makes it a little easier to find the location of a particular video.

Notice that, at present, DietHobby is advertisement-free, and clicking the pictures on the right side of the page will lead you to the corresponding section in this website. Click around the site and look at these new features. I think you'll agree with me that DietHobby is Looking Good.

I am in the process of putting 176 words of wisdom videos into the new Words of Wisdom Section.
Although these videos are already located here on DietHobby in the video section of the RESOURCES category, in order to index them on the Words of Wisdom page, each one of them must be entered as a Blog……and every blog created, automatically generates an e-mail…

So until I've finished that process, subscribers will be getting several e-mail notices of new blogs every day.  If you hate getting extra daily e-mails, unsubscribe for a month or so (until I've finished that time-consuming job), then re-subscribe.

Thanks for sharing DietHobby with me.
I hope you like these changes as much as I do.

If you are new to DietHobby, or haven't checked out the features of this website for awhile, you may find it helpful to read this recently updated article:  Content Review & Directory to DietHobby.

Happy Mother's Day (2012)
- POSTED ON: May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day to all of us. 

Mother's Day is a celebration that honors mothers and motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society.  Being a mother is one of the hardest jobs in the world, and there is no prerequisite, education, or training for it. Many of us were very young when we randomly became mothers, and we received on-the-job training through trial and error.

Some of us have children who have accepted the values we tried to teach them, and some of us do not, but all of us have one thing in common.  All across the board, mothers have a strong inner emotional connection with their children that lasts a lifetime.

We carry many images of our children continually within us. These images include times and events that no one else has seen or remembers, not even the children who were involved.  Inside us are memories of all the things we did, and all the things we didn't do, with Gratitude for the pleasant experiencs, and Sorrow for the unpleasant ones.

No matter what the current status of one's children is, all mothers deserve a medal, just for doing the best they could within the situations that existed over time.  So, I wish each of us a Happy Mother's Day, 2012. 

Change in my Weight Range Maintenance Plan
- POSTED ON: May 08, 2012

I've made changes to my Weight Range Maintenance Plan

Previously the top black "Unacceptable" area was 120 lbs and over, (now that "Unacceptable" area is 126 lbs and over); and the red "LoseWeight" area was 119-116, (now that "LoseWeight" area is 125-120 lbs)

When I grew near to my goal weight, I made a visual graphic of my plan to maintain my weight-loss, by creating a Weight Maintenance Chart much like the one shown above. This turned out to be a very effective way to set specific goal-weight-range numbers into my mind and heart.

I talk more how I did this, and why, in a previous article, "
Setting A Goal Range". Read that article to see the original chart and the maintenance weights that I originally set for myself.

This graphic has been very helpful to me for the past six years, and I have worked very hard to stay within the maintenance weight ranges that I set for myself. However, this past two years, ... despite my very best efforts... I've spent most of the time hanging out inside the top red area and the top black area,and I've been unable to sustain much time at all inside my blue maintenance area.

So, I've finally accepted that my age and my activity level might never let me get and keepmy weight down as low as it was during my first few years of maintenance, so I've raised the top of my Maintenance Weight Range Plan by five lbs. I haven't changed the bottom ranges. These will remain the same because they are merely there as a reminder of the general weight guidelines for someone my height.

I fought against raising my weight range for a very long time,but have finally chosen to face my present reality, I haven't given up the struggle to get my weight back down to 115 or lower. I still hope that I can accomplish that. However, I'm tired of hanging out in my upper red and black areas. I am hoping that changing this graphic will give me an added mental push toward making the blue maintenance area my status quo again.

I've been very reluctant to make this change.  Not so much because of the actual 5 lbs,
but because of my fear that ... despite all my continued best efforts ... that my weight will continue to creep upward.

I've decided to face the truth, that my body isn't the same as it was 7 years ago. My maintenance weight has been about 5 lbs higher for the last few years,  so it's time to adjust my maintenance weight range to accurately reflect reality.  Although in a way doing this feels like admitting defeat,  it is actually a step toward success in my ongoing maintenance.

When I Feel Empty
- POSTED ON: May 07, 2012


When I feel empty,
when it seems that I have given all I have,
and i have nothing left to give to others.

I must fill myself
with positive thoughts and words of acceptance and hope
before I can share positivity with others.

I need to take in the words of other informed and thoughtful people,
listen to their truths, and assimilate that wisdom into myself.

This helps me refresh and rebuild myself.

This is true in all of life,
and all of life, includes doing what is needed
to lose weight and/or maintain my weight-loss,
and dealing with all of the surrounding issues that are involved
with controlling the amounts and types of my food intake.

It's all part of my ongoing Lifestyle, and my Hobby of Dieting.

What is a Good Guest?
- POSTED ON: May 06, 2012



For those interested, here's a link to my latest video,
"R U a Good Guest
? - Ask Grandma - Episode Forty-five".
which has now been posted here at DietHobby in the GRANDMA section,
and is located in the Ask Grandma category. 

This video was taken on the patio in my back yard.  The pink flowering tree
is a stencil painting that I painted there about ten years ago.

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DietHobby is a Digital Scrapbook of my personal experience in weight-loss-and-maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all. Every diet works for Someone, but no diet works for Everyone.
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Mar 01, 2021
DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook.
2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.

Jun 01, 2020
DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website.
DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.

May 01, 2017
DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly.
Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.