Forgiveness - POSTED ON: May 17, 2011
Forgiving ourselves isn’t about forgetting. It’s about not bringing the offense up to ourselves in negative ways. Forgiving ourselves is simply letting go of what we are holding against ourselves so that we can move on. It’s important to learn from mistakes. What good are mistakes if we don’t learn from them? They are bound to come up again if we don’t correct the problem the first time. There are some things that are hard to grasp the first time around and we may not even realize that it is a problem, but if it comes around over and over again we should recognize that something is probably wrong somewhere. Learning and growing is a never-ending process, so we need to get a clue as soon as possible and save ourselves a lot of aggravation.
Even though we make mistakes, It’s important not be too hard on ourselves. Being human means that we won’t be perfect ….so accept it and move on. This will make us happier and give our self-esteem a positive break.
We need to forgive ourselves. It is okay to ask God and/or others to forgive us, but it is also important that we forgive ourselves. Forgiving ourselves gives us freedom from guilt and pain and it helps us move on with life in a positive way. Each of us can be our own worst enemy so we need to forgive ourselves and choose to be happy with our decisions and the rest of our lives.
Each of us needs to follow our own path. There is a certain path that everyone must take for himself or herself. Following someone else’s path for our lives can lead us down a long road full of sorrows.
I pray for guidance in finding my own path and believe that my Higher Power is directing me. When we find ourselves taking a detour, we need to have the courage to stop, turn around, and get back on our own true path.
Forgiving ourselves doesn’t let us off the hook, it doesn’t justify what we have done, and it isn’t a sign of weakness. Forgiveness is a choice that takes courage and strength, and it gives us the opportunity to become an overcomer rather than remaining a victim of our own scorn.
Loss - POSTED ON: May 13, 2011
At present I have a broken wrist which causes the temporary loss of activities that I enjoy.
My injury is healing, which makes my situation temporary, but all of us experience losses that are permanent.
Some of them are enormous losses, others are small. People move away or die; relationships and jobs change; children age, time passes and our own bodies begin wearing out; favorite stores close; even favorite TV shows are canceled.
When we recognize we have lost something that was valuable to us, and that it is gone forever, we feel sad.
When we can turn our thoughts to the future and leave the past behind, we have accepted the loss and can get on with our lives. Hope is the belief that things will get better. Hope is the antidote to despair.
A positive way of looking at the losses in our lives is that the loss helps us see more clearly the value of what we have lost.
When we suffer a loss, what remains after the loss is the essence of that which we have lost.
If we have lost a person through death, we have lost only the physical sense of that person. What we will always have within us is the essence of that person. Or if we have lost something that seems like a part of ourselves, such as a job or a relationship, or a place etc., what remains within us are all the experiences and memories that we gained through that work, that relationship, or that location itself.
Belief In Oneself - POSTED ON: May 11, 2011
Believing in oneself is simple to understand, but is difficult to put into practice. It takes a positive mindset to achieve in life, and a belief that we can accomplish what we need to do. To establish confidence that we can achieve our goals. we sometimes need to ignore what others say. Other people might tell us that we can’t achieve a seemingly unreachable task or target. But if we have belief in ourselves and have decided to work on achieving a task, success can happen. Self-belief…even in times of great desperation… is what gives us the confidence to put forth the effort that is necessary to accomplish our goals. The old fable below illustrates the point. One day after a day of hard work a donkey was returning home from the field and suddenly he slipped and fell into a deep well. The donkey started crying and hearing his cry, the farmer came and tried to pull the donkey out of the well. However the donkey was too frightened to even try to climb out, because he thought he might fall again while being pulled out of the well. Finally, the exhausted farmer, decided to take his friends’ advice to leave the donkey in the well and to close up the well so there would be no more falling incidents. The donkey was sad when he heard them discussing the plan. He had served the farmer for years, and now they were going to kill him by closing the well. He lost all hope. The farmer and his friends started throwing sand into the well and when the sand started pouring on top of the donkey's body the donkey realized he was about to die. But the donkey then chose to use this hardship as an opportunity, and started jumping over the sand each time it was thrown into the well. As the sand piled up, the donkey rose to the top of the well where he was able to climb out. This made everyone very happy. The moral of this fable is that when the donkey believed in himself enough to make the effort, he used his last opportunity to solve his problem.
Happy Mother's Day - POSTED ON: May 08, 2011
Today is Mother's Day. 46 years ago, on Mother's Day, I gave birth to my first child. This changed my life forever. Motherhood does that for us all.
Each of us goes through Life Events that change us, and that process continues all throughout each of our lives.
So whatever your life is at this moment... ...there will be changes.
Our Attitude about those changes is what will determine how positive or negative any change is.
We can't stop Change, but we CAN learn to develop a positive attitude about it.
Positive Thinking - POSTED ON: Apr 26, 2011
Developing a positive mindset is a powerful life strategy.
I’ve found various positive thinking techniques to be useful. Over time, small inspirational messages to myself, have helped me to change the way I see the world around me, and have helped me to Focus on those things in life that I find important and valuable.
Our words and statements about the events in our lives have a great deal of power. The positive builds us up, heals us, and brings us joy, while the negative does the opposite. Life contains both the negative and the positive. However very few things in life are totally positive or totally negative. Each involve personal value judgments rather than essential Truths.
I’ve learned that my own personal happiness is determined by how much Focus I place on the positives.
My current injury is putting this philosophy to a daily test.
However I have frequently experienced that I have the ability to make myself happy through my own thoughts and behaviors.
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.