Dedicated, not Obsessed - POSTED ON: Mar 04, 2011
Here's my Opinion. Lighten up. Having a "Food Obsession" is okay. Personally, I have no desire to reduce my own "food obsession". I'm the kind of person who really gets into anything I do, any interest I have. So what if I'm not "normal" around food. So what if food, and issues around food, are important to me. So what if I spend a lot of my time thinking about food and/or weight. I'm not going to waste my life shaming myself because of it. Food is just as important or interesting as anything else... fact it is the one thing that is vital for life to exist.
Just because a "saying" is old, doesn't make it right.. I think "Eat to Live, not Live to Eat" is just a B.S. Value Judgment. It really is just another way for people who don't share my values to negate them. Am I REALLY going to let that part of Society legislate my morality? No.
Acceptance of oneself and one's personal interests apply generally, in that much of modern Society now has a "live and let live" morality, or "do what you want, as long as you don't' hurt others" ... ....but it makes a BIG EXCEPTION about allowing a fat person to feel okay about food and their fat, and it generally agrees that it's okay to tell a fat person how they are SUPPOSED to feel and behave, and to try to shame them into feeling guilty for what is natural to them.
Just watch one episode of the TV show, The Biggest Loser, and see Society's current value judgments about the obese contestants. Notice how the obese contestants buy into those negative Beliefs about themselves, and how they state their belief that unless they are thin, they have no life. Notice how they feel they deserve the ill treatment they get on that show, including severe verbal abuse...and even (what I would call) physical abuse.
Then, when they lose weight, notice how they are encouraged to become missionaries to the world and work to convert other fat people to their new beliefs.
"Obsessed is what the weak and lazy call the Dedicated"
Society in general, finds it acceptable for people to be obsessed with exercise, sports, television shows, video games, hobbies, work, money, shopping, relationships, family, sex, parenting, vacations, etc. etc. etc. But, God Forbid, that anyone should feel okay about being obsessed with food.....
ESPECIALLY, if that person is overweight, obese, or very thin... Only a "normal" sized female can acceptably demonstrate a strong interest in food... and even that Acceptance is very limited. Actually, this Quote is not exclusively related to food issues. Dedicated, not Obsessed, could be an extreme interest and focus on Anything at all.
Terming someone as "Obsessed" is generally a negative value judgment concerning the extreme interest and focus of another, while terming such behavior as "Dedicated" is generally a positive value judgment.
The above quote is an amusing, rather clever "return put-down" to negative people who label those with an excessive interest and focus in any subject as "Obsessed". The point of the quoted statement is that terming anyone "Obsessed" is totally unacceptable. In this saying, the negative label: "lazy and weak" only applies to those people who GIVE the negative label "Obsessed" instead of a positive label like "Dedicated". i.e. IF YOU THINK I'm "obsessed", THEN I THINK you're "weak and lazy". Someone who feels that it is acceptable to refer to someone as obsessed, might be offended by seeing the original insult: "obsessed", returned by another insult: "weak and lazy, even when this is done in an amusing way. To anyone who is offended by this quote: I didn't create it, I merely quoted it. It is, however, one of my favorites. I think it's amusing, and I like it. Probably because I've had personal dealings with negative people who term anyone with a strong focus as "obsessed".
It could be that some people need to actually have experiences similar to mine before they can fully appreciate the "black" humor within the statement. The saying is essentially an amusing twist of semantics, and like any kind of humor... if one just doesn't "get" a particular joke, an explanation of that joke still doesn't make it funny to the one needing the explanation.
The Essence of Diets - Part Two - POSTED ON: Mar 03, 2011
As I stated in a previous Blog, The Essence Of Diets – Part One I’ve been thinking a great deal about the essence of Diets. The term “diet” is defined as Habitual Nourishment.
It seems clear to me that there are essentially 3 issues involved in all Diets, One main food issue, AMOUNT,. and two sub-issues, KIND and FREQUENCY.
AMOUNT -- of food eaten. KIND – fundamental nature (micronutrients) of food eaten. FREQUENCY of eating food.
RESTRICTIONS: All Diets involving weight-loss or maintenance of weight-loss place restrictions on one or more of those 3 food issues.
My careful study of many different diets has revealed some things to me.. things that might be obvious to others, but which took me some time to figure out. I’m still not certain about all of them, but here are a few “insights”.
The majority of diet book authors claim to have used that diet him/herself, and had excellent weight-loss results from it. I tend to believe this is true. What this proves to me is that there are a great many different ways to lose weight, but that what all of them have in common is EATING LESS.
EATING LESS, of course, means…not just eating less than one ate in the past while gaining weight, but also eating less than the amount of one’s normal (maintenance) energy burn. This, of course, is where it gets sticky.. ... because all of the rules one finds in the Expert’s charts and graphs are simply Generalizations.
People are different. Male and Female, Tall and Short, Large and Small, Young and Old, Sedentary and Active. Each of these categories changes a person’s basic energy use. In addition, Genetics vary between people, and even being a “reduced obese” person changes energy use.
Diet Books show that there are many different ways to accomplish EATING LESS. All of these ways involve somehow reducing the “calorie” amount of a person’s food intake. This can be done Directly, or Indirectly. In my previous post, The Essence Of Diets - Part One, I discussed many of the details of that issue.
Most diet book authors who have created Diets, appear to have structured his/her version of Eating Less on his/her personal preferences regarding the three fundamental restrictions which are listed above. Those Diets appear to be based on that diet book author’s eating preferences; his/her viewpoint and morality, including values about food; and the general way he/she tends to live his/her life.
These personal lifestyle choices usually involve that Diet in additional matters which are sometimes rather unrelated to the basic food-substance-as-nourishment issue. These differences between people’s preferences are reflected as different eating style choices inside each of the diets they have created. At some future time, I will provide some specific examples of this phenomenon.
For now, my simple point is that all diets have much in common.They appear to be all based on the same principles, and every diet seems to work for someone.
The Essence of Diets - Part One - POSTED ON: Mar 02, 2011
I’ve been thinking a great deal about the essence of Diets. The term “diet” is defined as Habitual Nourishment.
The term “calorie” is the term used to measure the energy value inside food, i.e. the unit equivalent to the energy-producing amount of food when oxidized in the body. In order for the human body to become a smaller size by losing bodyfat, that body must take in less energy than it uses.
I have read hundreds of diet books, and been on many, many weight-loss diets. Each of them appears to be some variation of a way to “EAT LESS and MOVE MORE”. One of the things I find fascinating about Gary Taubes’ books, one of which is now featured here in the section BOOKTALK. is that in one way his concept seems to break that mold……and yet in another way…the concept seems to fit into it.
I’m going to share some thoughts about this here. Then at some future time, I plan to share some further personal insights on this matter. It seems clear to me that there are essentially 3 issues involved in all Diets, One main food issue, AMOUNT, and two sub-issues, KIND and FREQUENCY.
AMOUNT -- of food eaten –
KIND – fundamental nature (micronutrients) of food eaten .
FREQUENCY of eating food.
AMOUNT – This can involve either DIRECT or INDIRECT restriction.
DIRECT restriction involving AMOUNT, some Examples include:
Counting food calories with the goal of staying near a certain number. Counting food points. Portion control – eating a specific size of a food substance Counting bites 1 plate, no seconds -as in The No S Diet. Meal size restrictions – i.e. large Lunch, other meals smaller, etc. Variation of Amounts on alternating days - QOD, JUDDD, Calorie Cycling, Fast-5 .............are actually Blends of the Amount and Frequency categories.
INDIRECT restriction involving AMOUNT This involves restricting the KIND of food eaten, and/or the FREQUENCY of eating food.
KIND – This involves a DIRECT restriction of KIND, resulting in an INDIRECT restriction on the total AMOUNT of food calories. DIRECT restriction of KIND usually involves a shift in the balance of the intake of various food micronutrients. Reduction of KIND frequently involves a flavor/taste reduction or satiation factor that results in less overall food intake.
Some Examples of restriction involving KIND include:
FREQUENCY – This involves a DIRECT Restriction on eating FREQUENCY, resulting in an INDIRECT restriction on the total AMOUNT of total food calories.
Some Examples of restriction involving FREQUENCY include:
I'll be writing more about this concept in the future.
An Individual Fit - POSTED ON: Mar 01, 2011
An individual Fit is necessary when it comes to Diets or Lifestyles.
Have you thought that if you did just what someone else does, you would look just like them? Yet when you try to copy their choice of foods and fitness activities, you’re miserable.
Then when you stop doing it, you feel like you failed. You didn't fail. It was just a bad lifestyle fit. Each of us is an individual on our own journey, and none of us are exactly alike. Some people need to follow a specific eating plan and have foods they never eat again. A Plan like this makes some people feel deprived and leads to binge eating. Some people need to eat smaller quantities of what they want at frequent times, while taking extra care to carefully log that food into their trackers.
I don’t like any outside control on my eating behavior I hate having well-meaning people ask: "Should you be eating that?" Others aren’t any more right or more wrong than me. We all want to save ourselves from obesity, and there are many options available. The secret is to find what works for each one of us personally. There is a lot of advice out there from the weight loss industry. So many “medical discoveries” happening in the field, So many magazines promoting “new miracle diets”, So many tips and tricks.
Now Obesity is considered an epidemic but there’s no vaccination…no one-cure-fits-all fix. Each of us has to find our own way. We know some basics of calories-in and calories-out which is one starting point of our physical problem. However genetic, psychological, character-related, disease-related, and other problems, are involved as well. These are all variables which cause more than one problem and require more than one solution.
Note that in “Why We Get Fat And What To Do About It” by Gary Taubes, the basic belief in calories-in/calories-out is even termed the "Original Sin”.
What works for me may not work for you. What works for you might not work for me.
Each of us wants to find a way to change our life without severely disrupting it. That’s a tough Goal. To accomplish that, we need to gather as much information as is possible, and make changes that work best individually.
How do you know what fits you personally, and how do you push out of your comfort zone?
I’ve heard that the change should fit into your life the way you try to fit a puzzle piece in place. Keep turning it around and trying it at different angles to see if that’s the right one. If it isn’t, it will never go in place, so try another.
No Diet is one-size-fits-all. No single answer will solve everyone’s problems with obesity. If you’re still fat, you aren’t a failure, you just haven’t found your own answer yet. Just keep searching.
What is the Best Way To Diet? - POSTED ON: Feb 27, 2011
There are many different diets, ways-of-eating, and lifestyles. I believe that each of us has to find his or her own way.
All of the Weight-Loss/Maintenance research and theories contain flaws, and each of us is individually conducting an Experiment of One. I totally agree with the following quote by an online forum member.
"You see a lot of contradiction in diet books and on diet blogs and message boards. Some people will tell you to eat certain foods, others tell you to stay away from them, eat six meals, or maybe just three meals, do aerobics, avoid aerobics, take these pills, don't take any pills. Nobody's right. Everyone's right. You have to think of a diet as a trip home for Thanksgiving -- it's a personal destination and you should know better than anybody how to get there. If you're driving east on the highway heading home for Thanksgiving, you'll see a lot of cars driving west. If the person in the passenger seat said, "There's a lot of people heading home for the holiday," you wouldn't turn to that person and flip out and say, "What the hell! What a bunch of retards! Don't they know home is this way?" But that is what diet writing often is -- people arguing over how to get home."
"You see a lot of contradiction in diet books and on diet blogs and message boards. Some people will tell you to eat certain foods, others tell you to stay away from them, eat six meals, or maybe just three meals, do aerobics, avoid aerobics, take these pills, don't take any pills.
Nobody's right. Everyone's right.
You have to think of a diet as a trip home for Thanksgiving -- it's a personal destination and you should know better than anybody how to get there.
If you're driving east on the highway heading home for Thanksgiving, you'll see a lot of cars driving west.
If the person in the passenger seat said, "There's a lot of people heading home for the holiday," you wouldn't turn to that person and flip out and say, "What the hell! What a bunch of retards! Don't they know home is this way?"
But that is what diet writing often is -- people arguing over how to get home."
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.