The Sound of Wrong - POSTED ON: Sep 24, 2014
A Sad Truth - POSTED ON: Sep 23, 2014
Flaws - POSTED ON: Sep 22, 2014
10th Year Anniversary - POSTED ON: Sep 21, 2014
I have now completed 10 consecutive years of food tracking - writing all of my food into a computer food journal each and every day.
Congratulations to me!
Thin for the Holidays? - POSTED ON: Sep 19, 2014
We’ve all seen those advertisements from companies trying to make money by telling us that 'the holidays’ are coming, and we are somehow too fat for them. .. Like:
"the holidays are just around the corner, will you have a body you can be proud of?”
which is, of course, an attempt to make us feel insecure and then profit by playing on those insecurities. I agree with Ragen Chastain, of danceswithfat, who says:
“ I'm supposed to worry that I'll embarrass myself just by existing in a body that hasn't been manipulated to some size I can be "proud of" which, based on the picture that accompanied the message, would require me to lose about 150 pounds and grow 6 inches in the next two months. If they were honest their ad copy would have read "The holidays are coming so it would be great if you would hate your body and make a desperate bid to change it that won't work but will make us a boatload of money so that our last quarter numbers look good."
Since I was a kid I've seen what now seem like unending permutations of the message "you're too fat" delivered to me by those who hope to profit from my believing it. "The holidays are coming and you're too fat. It's New Years and you're too fat. Bikini season is coming and you're too fat."
Screw that. We may not be able to stop the diet companies from trying to ruin the next three months ...(and the month after that with their New Year's Resolution, and the months after that with whatever they try to use to create a giant chasm between us and loving ourselves)... but we can decide that they aren't going to succeed.
I recommend a secret little mantra that I've created that I say whenever I see diet industry ads. My mantra is "HEY, THAT'S BULLSHIT!" Works like a charm to remind me not to buy into any of this. The holidays are coming and I'm just fine. New Year's is coming and I'm just fine. Bikini season is coming and I'm just fine. This diet industry that spends so much time and money oppressing me with a product that doesn't do anything successfully except make them money, runs on our time, our money, and our energy. We take the fuel away and the machine stops. It happens as one person at a time changes the channel, throws out the postcard, or rolls their eyes and says "No more. I'm done with this."
Quoted from “Too Fat for the Holidays”, by Regan Chastain, at danceswithfat.
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
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