What about all that Blah, Blah, Blah
- POSTED ON: Oct 01, 2013

There's a great deal of weight-loss advice out there.  Thousands of books, online websites and forums, and people everywhere who will tell us exactly what to do. 

I like to keep an open mind, and as part of my Diet Hobby, I choose to access and analyze a great deal of that information. However, I totally agree with the following Facebook post which was made on 9/30/13 by Kate of This is Not a Diet - it's your life.

"First, people will tell you it's easy: JUST eat real food and move around a bit and you'll be thin!

But if you do that and you're still not thin, they'll start in on all the nuances of what you are doing wrong. Well you're eating too much sugar. Too much fat. Not enough protein. Wrong kind of fat. Wrong kind of carbs. Not starch, fiber! Not saturated fat, unsaturated! Oh no wait, not unsaturated, saturated! No fruit!! More fruit. 1 banana a day. Never eat bananas. No sugar, use substitutes. Wait, no sugar substitutes. Less meat. No meat. More meat. No potatoes. Don't eat dairy. Eat lots of low fat dairy. No, only full fat dairy. Drink protein shakes. Don't drink calories.

You're not exercising enough. You're exercising too much. No cardio, only weight lifting. Don't lift weights, run. Don't run it will stress you and you'll hold body fat. Only exercise in the morning. Exercise twice a day. Stop exercising so much. Lift heavy or go home. Lifting heavy will bulk you up. You have to eat more to support your exercise. Don't eat more or you'll negate the effects of exercise.

It's EASY, don't you see! If it's not easy, you're just Doing It Wrong! If you did it right, you'd be thin!

I don't know about you but I am so sick of all that. It's stuck in my head like a record on repeat and it makes me second guess every thing I do. The truth is, they don't KNOW an easy answer because there isn't one. Everyone has a different situation.

Eventually, you have to just tell them all to shut up and start listening to yourself. It's NOT easy. But it's your life, nobody else. Live it as you see fit."

Weight Management Success
- POSTED ON: Sep 24, 2013





At the bottom of this post is the audio of an excellent lecture regarding weight management success.

I found it interesting, understandable, and practical.  It is rare to find any medical professional with this kind of knowledge, expertise, understanding, and ability to communicate about obesity and weight management.

This is the Audio of a Professional Lecture, 

"The 5A's of Obesity Management",

given at a Medical Conference for Licensed Practical Nurses.

The Lecture is by Dr. Ayra Sharma, M.D., PhD, FRCPC who is an Obesity Specialist and a Professor of Medicine & Chair in Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.  He is also Scientific Director of the Canadian Obesity Network.   

More insight from Dr. Sharma can be found at Dr. Sharma's Obesity Notes  -  www. drsharma.ca


Key to Happiness
- POSTED ON: Sep 23, 2013


Health as an Obligation
- POSTED ON: Sep 18, 2013


Fitness is not a measure of worth.

People who choose exercise activities, meaning various types of movement or fitness, as a hobby are no more praiseworthy than people who choose anything else as a hobby.

Fitness by any definition is not an obligation.

There is also no personal obligation to have a thin, or a “normal-weight", body.

Seeking weight-loss is not the same thing as living with healthy habits, and thin or "not fat" isn’t the same thing as "Healthy".

There are healthy and unhealthy people at every size, so reaching a certain body size is neither a guarantee of health, nor a sure preventative or cure for disease. Body Size and Health are two different things and people can, and often do, pursue one without the other.

In fact, seeking "Health" is not a moral, social, or personal obligation. People can choose to prioritize and pursue health at whatever level they want. Their choice to seek health by “engaging in a healthy lifestyle” doesn’t guarantee them personal health. It also doesn’t make them better than people who don’t choose to prioritize or pursue health.

There are also different kinds of health. and all of them aren't available to everyone.  For example: Mental health and Physical health are two different things, and these two types of health don’t necessarily go together.

What does "healthy" even mean?

Healthy is simply the opposite of  diseased or dead.  Human beings are born, they live, and they die.  The human body is designed to wear out.  Even the most "healthy" bodies become "unhealthy" as they get old, and eventually every body ceases its function. Sudden or lingering, death comes to everyone, and except for death-by-accident, people of all ages become sick and then die.

While the term "healthy", refers to the general condition of a person's mind and body, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain, that term is now loosely used to refer to various substances, activities, and ideas that allegedly promote that general condition.

However, despite all claims to the contrary, most things ...  including personal values ...  that are sold to us by the diet (and fitness) industry are the exact opposite of “healthy”.

Are you a Courteous, Healthy Eater?
- POSTED ON: Sep 15, 2013


This Article contains some great advice for us all. 



The Courteous Healthy Eater
          by Kate

People who make an effort to eat in a way that supports their health have a bad reputation. 

It seems that many times, the "Healthy" eater is also the "Judgmental" eater. 

Let us band together, fellow healthy eaters, and change this stigma by killing it with kindness.

If you aren’t sure if you have the right to talk to someone about his/her food choices, ask yourself the following questions:

1.  Is this person my child?
2.  Am I this person’s doctor?
3.  Did she ask me?

Unless you answered yes to one of these questions, you do not have the right to make food choices for this person.

The following suggestions are for everyone who eats food, regardless of your personal choices: 

  • Don’t Comment on Other People’s Plates.  When you see someone eating something you think looks unappetizing or that you would not eat yourself for whatever reason, you do not have to tell the person who is eating what is wrong with her food.  In fact, you may consider that this person could very well have eating choices of her own that impact her health, mental or physical.  You may even imagine that this person is very sensitive about eating or suffers from an eating disorder if it helps you mind your own business.
  •  Let Other People Make Their Own Decisions.  Let other people decide what they are going to eat.  If you think the diet they are following is stupid or unnecessary, that’s okay.  Don’t follow it.  But let each person have the autonomy over her own life to decide for herself if and when she wants to make a change.
  • Don’t Assume Everyone Has the Same Goal.  Do not tell a heavy person that if she stopped eating X she would lose weight.  Conversely, do not tell a thin person that she needs to eat a cheeseburger.  That is not your stomach or your body, you do not get to decide and your opinion is insulting unless it is requested.
  •  Be Polite Online.  When you see a picture of a food you don’t eat, you do not need to comment about what’s wrong with it.  You can continue to not eat that food, but really, the world does not need to know about it.
  • You Don’t Need to Broadcast Your Food Choices.  Many people are surprised to find out I am vegetarian because I don’t make a big deal out of it.  When I go out to eat with other people, I order the vegetarian option without ever mentioning it to the other people at the table.  If I am offered an appetizer that contains meat I simply say “no thank you.”  If I am offered a soda, again “no thank you.”  If I have a question about the menu or a modification, I make it to the server and I am polite and gracious.
  •  “No Thank You” is the End of the Conversation.  Conversely, when you offer someone food and they refuse with a “no thank you”, your job is done.  For whatever reason, that person does not want to eat the food at that time.  You really do not need to know why.
  •  Stop Talking About Your Diet Constantly.  If you follow a particular type of diet, let’s say you follow the Low Radish Diet, unless someone asks you about it, you probably don’t need to tell them.  The world is awash in dietary advice and most people are just sick of it.  Conversely, if you think Low Radish Diets are really stupid, you should probably stay away from Low Radish Diet communities.  Let people make their own choices.  If they choose not to eat Radishes, that’s their business.  Even if you believe there’s something inherently harmful in eliminating radishes from your diet, it’s really not worthwhile to go to the Low Radish community and start attacking people.  This is completely ineffective.  You cannot deny people the opportunity to make their own mistakes and discoveries. 
  • Your Diet is Your Job, Nobody Else's.  If you are allergic to a food, then it is very important for you to avoid that food. Asking to know what is in a dish is perfectly acceptable.  If you are concerned about  being able to choose a restaurant that will cater to you, always be willing to research and make suggestions.  When I go to visit someone, I check out Yelp for good vegetarian restaurant options I can suggest.  You can even call the restaurant and ask them if they can make substitutions for your restricted diet.  However, this is your job, not anyone else’s.  In any case, it is quite simple to be civil and non-accusatory when asking questions.

Eating is a very personal activity.  Only you know what you need and how you feel when you eat certain things.  Never assume that what you feel yourself is what everyone feels.  Think about it, do you really want anyone telling you that the food you’re eating is gross or deadly while you’re eating it?  Of course not.  You want to enjoy your meal in peace.

There’s nothing wrong with sharing things that improve our health and make us feel good.  But let’s start doing it from an angle of leadership instead of reactionary fear.  This is my thought process when I share my food photos:

I want to show people how beautiful, appetizing, and appealing food can be when it didn’t come out of a box, can, or drive thru window.  I don’t want them to hear “what you are eating is bad and wrong”.  I want to say “what I am eating is delicious, I really enjoy it, and look, isn’t it beautiful? It’s also pretty easy, really!  You can cook it will just take a little practice.”

Because I do believe in these things and think they could really help a lot of people, I want to promote what I love.  I do this from the perspective of my own choice, rather than tearing down others choices.  People are far more likely to be open minded when you are kind than when you are judgmental.

Eating should not be a source of constant stress.   If you find yourself worried or angry about what strangers around you are eating, it may be time to examine your own relationship with food.

If you want people to accept your choices, then you have to be accepting of the choices of others as well.

         This article written by Kate at  www. thisisnotadiet-itsmylife.com

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