Maintenance Status Report - January 2014
- POSTED ON: Jan 14, 2014

There’s quite a lot of online information about weight-loss available. But almost nothing about long-term maintenance of that weight-loss. One could conclude that people who have successfully maintained a large weight-loss for 5 plus years simply lose interest in the process and move on to other interests.  However, this doesn’t appear to be the most likely conclusion.

 First, all available research indicates that less than 5% of all successful dieters actually maintain lost weight for two years after a large weight-loss.  If one chose to use the numbers of the National Weight Loss Registry (of which I am a member), this total number would be a fraction less than 1%.


Next, two years is not really an exceptionally long time.  When I see someone who reports success at weight-loss, I mentally say… “Yeah, come talk to me in 5 years … or 8 years.”


People losing weight tend to post frequently and make themselves highly visible.  People gaining weight tend not to report that fact.  Almost no one who has a very-large weight-loss, reports their maintenance numbers after the first few years of maintenance.  


The highly-visible, online personalities who blog about their large weight-losses, tend to disappear a year or two after their success.  I’ve followed a few of these bloggers with interest as they lost weight, thinking perhaps THIS person will be an exception… that perhaps THIS person will report a successful long-term maintenance of their large weight-loss, however, …thus far… I’ve found no exceptions.  


Two notable long-term bloggers which I’ve followed, “Pasta Queen” and “This Is Not A Diet – it’s my life”, were quite successful at weight-loss, and both of them … despite their efforts at maintenance, after a year or two began regaining lost weight. Both of these bloggers indicate that, during early maintenance, when they developed some specific physical problems, they re-evaluated their lives and decided that a focus on diet and weight was not something they wanted to continue working to sustain. 


Both of these bloggers admitted to approximately a 50 lb gain, but then chose to stop reporting on weight-issues.  From online photographs, it would appear that since that time, both bloggers have regained additional lost weight…. but as of this date…perhaps not more than half of their original amount. One, and possibly both, of these specific bloggers have embraced the “Health at Every Size” concept, which involves Intuitive Eating practices… letting one’s body tell them what, when and how much to eat. I, personally, am very curious as to whether …over time…the Set Point Theory will apply to either one of these people.  If so, the bodies of each of them would lead them to regain ALL of their lost weight back to their highest Set Point, which is probably somewhere around their highest weights. This might not be a personal problem for them as they appear to have embraced the Fat Acceptance concept, valuing their health and comfort over vanity. 


Unfortunately, at present, neither of these bloggers are volunteering that information. Perhaps a few years after a total weight-regain, within a “Fat Acceptance” blog, one or both of them MIGHT make such an informational choice. Quite a few other Fat Acceptance bloggers have reported similar histories.


I, personally, continue to have a need to avoid experiencing the fat bias that comes when one fails to meet the minimum cultural standards for female attractiveness, and I have chosen to continue my personal weight-maintenance struggle. I’ve always been healthy, at every weight. I’ve have found this to be true for many people, and never believed that Health and Obesity go hand in hand. I agree with the basic concept that people can be healthy at every size.  Unlike the courageous blogger, “Dances with Fat”, my choice is to continue giving our culture’s fat-biased-bullies my lunch money in the hopes that they won’t beat me up.


From the past through the present, I’ve worked very hard at trying out a great many different diets and eating plans, however, so far…. the only behaviors which have managed to stick long enough to become habitual, are consistently logging in my food every day, and managing to keep my calorie averages – over time – down. 


This has still resulted in me taking in more than my body can use.  For the first two years or so, after first arriving at my 115 lb goal weight, I was able to maintain without a significant upward creep by eating around 1200 calories. After about two-and-a-half years of maintenance, my weight began to creep upward, a few pounds per year … even with a 150 calorie intake reduction down to the mid 1000 calorie average range.  This past calendar year (2013), my detailed daily food records show that during the entire year, I’ve eaten a 1020 daily calorie average, … but instead of only gaining a couple of pounds… over the entire year I gained 10 more pounds. This brings me up a total of 20 pounds above my 115 lb goal weight.


I’ve consistently chosen to record food details and restrict calories even when experimenting with different food plans, working to keep my daily calorie average within the mid-1000 calorie range. 


During 2013 I spent several long time periods experimenting with eating low-carb.  Each time my weight dropped about 7 lbs initially, then plateaued.  I’ve been personally unable to adapt to long-term, low-carb eating, and after 3 months or so, I resumed eating a “balanced” diet near the same daily calorie level (around 1020). Within about a month, all of that lost weight returned (so I judge the entire loss to have been water weight). Plus, at the end of every low-carb experiment, I wound up weighing a pound or two higher… despite eating approximately the same calories Before, After, and During those experiments.


Due to an injury that took place long ago, I have a long-term problem with my right leg/thigh/back which is currently limiting my exercise abilities. When I move around “too much” I find I need to walk with a cane. Not unusual for someone who will turn 70 at the end of this year.  I had to give up using the free-style Gazelle (elliptical) because it aggravated my right leg/thigh/back soreness, but I am still able to walk on the Treadmill … rather slowly… for between 5 to 20 minute time periods.


I’m still not willing to give up my struggle to maintain my past weight-loss, even though my weight continues to climb. This morning my weight is 135.4 lbs.  I’ve recently begun – again -- working toward trying to decrease my daily calorie average an additional 100 calories via a 3 meal / zero snack eating pattern. This is a behavior pattern that I believe would be extremely effective if I were able to sustain it long-term, which is … unfortunately… something I’ve never yet been able to accomplish .. but maybe this time.


I’ve researched the issues very carefully, for a long period of time. Here at DietHobby (See ARCHIVES) I’ve written quite a few articles discussing the various BMR/RMR formulas which can be easily accessed with online calculators.  All of those formula calculations are merely AVERAGES, and it is common for obese or reduced obese people to fall far lower than the average. The formula STANDARD deviation is at 14%...(based on the limited number of individuals who were in the original research studies) … which is acceptable statistically, but when put into practice, this can reflect quite a large individual difference. 


Furthermore, research exists indicating that a ‘reduced obese’ person of “normal” weight consistently burns about 15% less while doing the same activities, than a person of the same age/height/weight who has always been “normal” weight, so it is more than reasonable to conclude that a “reduced obese” person’s basic formula numbers would be 15% below the calculated formula averages.


Some people might be shocked to see a comparison chart I’ve prepared based on my own age/height/weight data.

The following chart is based on the numbers for a 5 ’0” tall, 69 year old, sedentary woman.


RMR & BMR at Different Weights
Averages for Everyone at my Numbers (always a STANDARD deviation of 14%)
 ME: Possibly about 15% Below Average –which after including a sedentary activity factor--- is under the Mifflin “normal” RMR)
(RMR +1.2%)
(RMR + 1.2%)
with Activity
 with Activity


 If these numbers are accurate this means:

For me personally, 949 calories should maintain my body at around 115 lbs,
while an average intake of only 1322 calories would maintain my body at around 200 lbs.

However, from my years of experience of watching calories, I am fairly certain that
If I simply chose to eat whatever I liked, in whatever amounts that keep me from being hungry, … (i.e. non-diet – intuitive eating) I’m fairly certain that my calories would total somewhere between 1500 and 2000 daily.  

Using the 3500 calories = 1 lb Theory --- this would bring my body back to my personal highest weight Set Point..which is between 250 and 270 lbs.

Health as an Obligation
- POSTED ON: Sep 18, 2013


Fitness is not a measure of worth.

People who choose exercise activities, meaning various types of movement or fitness, as a hobby are no more praiseworthy than people who choose anything else as a hobby.

Fitness by any definition is not an obligation.

There is also no personal obligation to have a thin, or a “normal-weight", body.

Seeking weight-loss is not the same thing as living with healthy habits, and thin or "not fat" isn’t the same thing as "Healthy".

There are healthy and unhealthy people at every size, so reaching a certain body size is neither a guarantee of health, nor a sure preventative or cure for disease. Body Size and Health are two different things and people can, and often do, pursue one without the other.

In fact, seeking "Health" is not a moral, social, or personal obligation. People can choose to prioritize and pursue health at whatever level they want. Their choice to seek health by “engaging in a healthy lifestyle” doesn’t guarantee them personal health. It also doesn’t make them better than people who don’t choose to prioritize or pursue health.

There are also different kinds of health. and all of them aren't available to everyone.  For example: Mental health and Physical health are two different things, and these two types of health don’t necessarily go together.

What does "healthy" even mean?

Healthy is simply the opposite of  diseased or dead.  Human beings are born, they live, and they die.  The human body is designed to wear out.  Even the most "healthy" bodies become "unhealthy" as they get old, and eventually every body ceases its function. Sudden or lingering, death comes to everyone, and except for death-by-accident, people of all ages become sick and then die.

While the term "healthy", refers to the general condition of a person's mind and body, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain, that term is now loosely used to refer to various substances, activities, and ideas that allegedly promote that general condition.

However, despite all claims to the contrary, most things ...  including personal values ...  that are sold to us by the diet (and fitness) industry are the exact opposite of “healthy”.

Status Update - August 2013
- POSTED ON: Aug 01, 2013

I am now in my 8th maintenance year.
This morning the scale says I'm
122.4 lbs (BMI = 23.9)

 To see what Maintenance is like for me. Click the links below:  

About Me

Running Down the Up Escalator

Born on the Finish Line
- POSTED ON: Jul 18, 2013

"He was born on the finish line, so he thinks he won the race."

This quote is So VERY applicable to naturally thin people,.... and also to those people who have never lived well inside the border of Obesity,.... who give weight-loss advice to those of us who are personally living with the issue of Obesity.

While this quote amuses me, I find it important to never lose sight of this TRUTH:
Whatever method one chooses for weight-loss, with regards to issues of weight-loss and maintenance of that weight-loss, there is NO Finish Line.

At this point I consider weight-loss Advice from people who have not personally spent considerable time in the state of Obesity …no matter how "well-meaning" that advice may be … to be uninformed, ignorant chatter, which I find tiresome, offensive, and unwelcome. 

Much of the Conventional Wisdom one hears repeated again and again, year after year, decade after decade,…including what is currently taught to medical professionals via nutritional textbooks... originated from Marketing Interests, and that information isn't helpful to resolve our obesity issues.

We are all different and there is no one-size-fits-all, BUT….I do feel certain that: Whatever one does to lose weight must be continued FOREVER in order to maintain that weight-loss.

All Goals Are Not Reachable For All People
- POSTED ON: May 17, 2013

A common MYTH is the idea that
…with enough effort…,
it is possible for everyone to be able
to reach the same goals.

not all goals are reachable
for all people

The existence of this Myth tends to be overlooked or forgotten when it comes to weight and what our bodies can accomplish.

As a result of this blindness or memory loss, overweight or obese people are wrongfully perceived as morally inferior and weak and lazy. Efforts to Diet become internalized “attempts at redemption.”

Our culture contains an enormous Diet Industry. This is a particular form of economic and commercial activity involving the marketing of food, equipment, and drugs etc. as well as the marketing of information, and services from “experts”.

The term Diet Industry “Experts” involves a wide range of information givers, which includes “successful dieters”; trainers; dietitians; nutritionists; therapists, doctors and other medical professionals; hospitals; drug companies; scientists; educators; authors; publishers; journalists; politicians; and various organizations of all types, including “health care” organizations.

Unfortunately, a close look at the Diet Industry shows that even successfully following any Diet, … even those diets that we choose to call: a “Lifestyle Change”, a “Way-of-Eating” Plan, a “non-diet” plan, … doesn’t really bring us a permanent Solution for long-term weight-control.

However, long-term weight-control has never been a requirement or even a primary goal of the Diet Industry, nor the motivation behind it. Any study of the Diet Industry shows that it is a “triumph of capitalist success in selling promises to desperate people”.

One of the ways the Diet Industry sustains itself is by subtly connecting people to “ideals” of body-weight – even though those ideals are unattainable or unsustainable for the vast majority of the population.

 A Yorkshire Terrier and a German Shepherd are both black and tan, and they both are of the same “species.” That doesn’t mean one can become the other’s size and weight – “if they just try hard enough!

We are not all the same.
We do not all look the same.
We cannot all look the same, no matter how hard we might try.

This such a difficult concept to get people to understand and to remember.
  It is the OPPOSITE of the lie that our Culture tells us every single day. The Diet Industry, in particular, would like us to keep believing that if we just do the right things, each of us can wake up one day with a Body that looks like a fashion, fitness, or other advertising model who is pictured online, or in magazines, television or movies. 

 It is important for each of us to understand and remember that this is a MYTH.
Although this might be true for a VERY small percentage of people with the right genetic makeup, it is simply not true in general. It is simply NOT TRUE for almost Everyone. 

We need to rise above this MYTH. In order to find peace, we need to ACCEPT our own genetic, physical, psychological, cultural, and behavioral differences. We each need to learn how to live with our own self, and to be happy with the specific body that each of us individually has.

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